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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Sugar - A Good Idea / 1992

  Asculta tot albumul (click aici)  
Adaugat de grisa 01.09.2012  Adauga la favorite 2.049 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Versuri / Text :

They went down to the river
On a warm summer night
The air was thick with the
Smell of temptation

He said why don't we lay in the water
Let the water run over me
And she grinned and she said
Now she said now she said

Now that's a good idea
She said she said
Now that's a good idea
She said she said

Now that's a good idea
She said she said
Now that's a good idea
She said she said

He held her head high in his hands
He held her down deep in the stream
He saw the bubbles and matted hair
Mixed in with seaweed
She started to scream

Was it something I said
Was it something I said
And she said and she said
And she said she said

Now that's a good idea she said she said
To be alone with you she said she said
I've been waiting for years
And I'd rather be dead

That's a good idea he said he said

He held her down in the river
He held her down in the water
Another river of mud
Wash away those tears
He said and he said
Now that's a good idea

He said now that's a good idea
He said now that's a good idea
He said now that's a good idea

I saw them from the ocean
She didn't seem to mind
Didn't fight at all
She didn't fight it at all

Some things are best left alone
Sometimes I'm best left alone
And sometimes I see you in the water
At night at night at night

That's a good idea she said she said
I want to feel you in the water
With your hands on my head
Push you down into the water

She said she said
Now that's a good idea she said she said
Now that's a good idea that's a good idea
She said she said

Now she said now she said
That's a good idea that's a good idea
That's a good idea
She said she said

That's a good idea
She said she said
I want to feel you in the water
With your hands on my head

Push you down into the water
She said she said

That's a good idea
She said she said
That's a good idea
She said she said

That's a good idea
She said she said
That's a good idea
She said she said

That's a good idea
She said she said
That's a good idea
She said

That's a good idea
She said she said
That's a good idea
She said she said

That's a good idea
She said she said
That's a good idea


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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