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Dr. Dre - Deeez Nuuuts / 1992

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Adaugat de Carmencita 30.08.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.452 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (2 voturi )
Dr. Dre - Deeez Nuuuts / 1992


Let me call this old bitch
See what this bitch doin'
Call this bitch man
Raggedy-ass, shit man

[Warren G]Wassup?
[Girl]Nothin', Whatchu doin?
[Warren G]Nuttin', just kickin' it.
[Girl]Are y'all done?
[Warren G]Nah, Whatcu gon' do today?
[Girl]Umm, pick up my clothes from the cleaners
Might go get my nails done,
[Warren G]Seiously?
[Warren G]Ay did, did, did whats-a-name done get at you yesterday?
[Warren G]Deez nutz!
[Girl]Aw, shut up nigga

[Background]I wanna ask you one question.
If i had some nuts, hangin' on the walls,
What would i have?
I said "Darling, you'd have some wallnuts

She said, "Well, daddy, if i had some nuts on my chest would those be chestnuts?"
I said, "Hell yeah".
She said, "Well, daddy, if i had nuts under my chin would those be chin-nuts"?
I said, "Hell no, bitch, you'd have a dick in your mouth.

[Daz] Chiggie check
[Dre] Microphone check one
[Daz] Chiggie check
[Dre] Microphone check two
[Daz] Chiggie check
[Dre] Microphone check three
[Snoop] Check game from the notorious Compton G


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