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Rage Against the Machine - Born as Ghosts / 1999

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Adaugat de ana1 29.08.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.788 vizualizari

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Rage Against the Machine - Born as Ghosts / 1999


The hills find peace
Locked armed guard posts
Safe from the screams
Of the children born as ghosts
Gates, guns and alarms
Shape the calm of the dawn
Peering down into the basin
Where death lives on
Where young run foaming at the mouth with hate
Where burning batons beat the freezing who shake
Under the toxic sunsets they dine and toast
Their walls deny the terror faced by the children
Born As Ghosts
Born as ghosts A warning, you sufferers,
begin to speak our word
Born as ghosts A warning, you sufferers,
begin to speak our word
Born as ghosts A warning, you sufferers,
Begin to speak our word
Born as ghosts
We're the children born as ghosts born as ghosts
One book and forty odd
Stuffed in a room
Ah, the school as a tomb
Where home is a wasteland
Taste the razor wire
And thought is locked in the womb
The tales that tear at the myth of the dream
A suffering that shocks the lives off the screen

Born as ghosts A warning, you sufferers,
begin to speak our word
Born as ghosts A warning, you sufferers,
begin to speak our word
Born as ghosts A warning, you sufferers,
Begin to speak our word
Born as ghosts
We're the children born as ghosts born as ghosts


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