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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Pavement - Fame Throwa / 1992

  Asculta tot albumul (click aici)  
Adaugat de pele 27.08.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.368 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Pavement - Fame Throwa

Versuri / text:

Fame Throwa, pass out the gold
The diamond watch, the last reward
All the things we hid before
You sold us out and took it all
Head-borne cries from zenith sluts
Astral rites (rides) from dead-end ruts
And these ends are sick-end wars
And these ends were sick-end wars...

He's one of our nation's spies
He's one of our first recruits
I click with her leather thighs
He's one of our first recruits

How can you know
In the distance lies a grow-a
Nay, rude-off, King Fame-Throwa
Son of groupie, bed-worn sexan
Spent his cash convincing us
That the desert was a starscape
Took our lives for a set of lies (satellite)
So we could cry,
"Naked, naked, foul!"

He's one of our nation's (nature's) spies
He's one of our first recruits
I click with her leather thighs
He's one of our first recruits...



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