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Madonna - Bye Bye Baby / 1992

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Adaugat de aris 08.08.2012  Adauga la favorite 2.336 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Madonna - Bye Bye Baby / 1992


Hope y'all love it XD.

This is not a love song
Bye bye baby
I keep on waiting anticipating
But I can't wait forever
You say you love me
You're thinking of me
But we're never together

Bye bye baby bye bye
It's your turn to cry
That's why we have to say goodbye
So say goodbye

Bye bye baby bye bye
It's your turn to cry
This time we have to say goodbye
So say goodbye

You had your chances
All your romances
And now I just don't
want you
I know I love you because I hate you
And now I'd rather haunt you

Bye bye baby bye bye
It's your turn to cry
That's why we have to say goodbye
So say goodbye

Bye bye baby bye bye
It's your turn to cry
That's why we have to say goodbye
So say goodbye

You're so beautiful
What makes you feel exciting
What wakes you up inside
Does it make you feel good to see me cry?
I think it does...
That's why it's time to say bye bye

Bye bye baby bye bye
It's your turn to cry
That's why we have to say goodbye
So say goodbye

Bye bye baby bye bye
It's your turn to cry
That's why we have to say goodbye
So say goodbye

I don't wanna keep the bright flame
Of your ego going
So I'll just stop blowin'in the wind
To love you is a sin


Uh this is not a love song

I'd like to hurt you

What excites you
What turns you on
What makes you feel good
Does it make you feel good to see me cry
I think it does
That's why it's time to say goodbye
Bye bye

The first time
And the last time
You can forget about it baby
Forget the rules
Forget the fools
Forget your fears
Forget my tears
You can forget about it baby
Bye bye baby bye bye
You can forget about it baby
'Cuz it's the first time
And the last time
You'll ever see me cry


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