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Dwight Yoakam - Guitars Cadillacs / 1986 live

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Adaugat de goana 06.08.2012  Adauga la favorite 2.111 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Dwight Yoakam - Guitars Cadillacs

Versuri/ text::
Girl, you taught me how to hurt real bad
And cry myself to sleep
And showed me how this town can shatter dreams
Another lesson 'bout a naive fool
Who came to Babylon
And found out that the pie
Don't taste so sweet

Now it's guitars, cadillacs, hillbilly music
Lonely, lonely streets that I call home
Yea, my guitars, cadillacs, hillbilly music
It's the only thing that keep me hangin' on

Ain't no glamour in this tinsle land
Of lost and wasted lives
Painful scars are all that's left of me
I wanna thank-you girl for teachin' me
Brand new ways to be cruel
Like findin' mine now I guess I'll just leave

And it's guitars, cadillacs, hillbilly music
Lonely, lonely streets that I call home
Yea, my guitars, cadillacs, hillbilly music
It's the only thing that keep me hangin' on

Oh it's guitars, cadillacs, hillbilly music
Lonely, lonely streets that I call home
Yea, my guitars, cadillacs, hillbilly music
It's The only thing that keep me hangin' on

It's the only thing that keep me hangin' on

It's the only thing that keep me hangin' on



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