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David Ackles - Ballad of the Ship of State / 1972

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Adaugat de sordi 24.07.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.741 vizualizari

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David Ackles - Ballad of the Ship of State / 1972


Is the ship going home ?
Will you take some old young men for crew ?
We left our flag in tatters
where it fell along the shore.
They said a flag's what matters,
but nothing matters anymore
'cause you're ten years overdue !
Ten years !
Do you have some room within your hold
for some friends of ours who won't be growing old ?
Why won't you answer us ? Why aren't we told ?
Is this ship going home ?

Listen, all of you !
Shut up and listen to me !
You don't have to shout, we hear you.
You don't have to wave, we see.
It's just that we're very surprised
To find you alive.
We were told there was nothing going on
and that all of you'd gone.

Is the ship going home ?
You must have room, we are so few.
Ten years we've stood here waiting
for a ship to love in view.
We will have no more of waiting.
Tell the captain, tell the crew
that they're ten years overdue !
Ten years !

Listen, all of you !
Shut up and listen to me !
The captain is locked in his quarters.
He is busy and can't be disturbed;
and as for the crew,
I'd watch out were I you,
for we can't keep their appetites curbed.
No, we can't keep their appetites curbed.
Is the ship going home ...
Please, please. Get up off your knees.
You must see it's better this way.
You were such doughty fellows
while fighting the yellows
that they might even ask you to stay.
Yes, they might even ask you to stay.
Don' t you get the idea ?
You're much better off here.
You're not welcome at home anymore
'cause we're all so bored with the war.

Cast off, Mister Mate !

Is the ship going home ...


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