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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


ABBA - Rock'n Roll Band / 1973

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Adaugat de hanul 20.07.2012  Adauga la favorite 2.232 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
ABBA - Rock'n Roll Band


Sitting in the darkest corner,
In the tender light I saw her face,
She was looking so sad and lonely,
Someone help me, someone save me
I could see the look she gave me, oh
Oh yeah, and there was one thing only
That I knew I could do

Let's go girl, it's a beautiful place this world
Come on baby let's dance, to the rock'n roll band
Let's go now, let me show you that I know how
Come on baby let's dance, to the rock'n roll band
Come on baby let's dance, to the rock'n roll band

You've been sitting there for hours,
Tryin' to hide behind the flowers now,
Baby, we could have fun together
Come on, cheer up, let's get started
No use being broken-hearted now,
Oh yeah, you're gonna feel much better
Yes I know that you will

Let's go girl, it's a beautiful place this world
Come on baby let's dance, to the rock'n roll band
Let's go now, let me show you that I know how
Come on baby let's dance, to the rock'n roll band
Come on baby let's dance, to the rock'n roll band


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