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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Captain Beefheart - Upon the My-O-My / 1974

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Adaugat de tita 15.07.2012  Adauga la favorite 2.015 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Captain Beefheart - Upon the My-O-My


The decks were stacked
The wind blew low, the wind blew high
The stakes were low, the stakes were high
Upon the My-O-My
Hands low, hands high,
Ho-ho-ho, hi-hi-hi
Hands low, hands high
Upon the My-O-My

How was I to know she was so shy?
Upon the My-O-My
Across the light, across the night
You can hear the Captain's cry
Hands low, hands high
Upon the My-O-My
Got to make her roll, got to make her fly
Upon the My-O-My

Now tell me, good Captain,
How does it feel
To be driven away from your own steering wheel
Upon the My-O-My . . .


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