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Captain Beefheart - Observatory Crest / live 1974

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Adaugat de tita 15.07.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.280 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Captain Beefheart - Observatory Crest / live 1974


While the city was busy we wanted to rest
She decided to drive up to observatory crest
We'd just saw a concert and heard all the best
We went on a ride, we got outside
The sand was hot, she wanted to dance

We went round and round in observatory crest
Thought we'd saw flying saucers and all of the rest
from observatory crest

While the city was busy we wanted to rest
She decided to drive up to observatory crest
We'd just saw a concert and heard all the best
So the only thing to do
Was to drive up
And watch the city
From observatory crest



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