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Supertramp - Just Another Nervous Wreck / 1979

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Adaugat de anita 13.07.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.128 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Supertramp - Just Another Nervous Wreck


I'm feeling so alone now
They cut the telephone uh huh
Yeah my life is just a mess

I threw it all away now
I could have made a fortune
I lost the craving for success

And as the acrobats they tumble
So the corn begins to crumble
While in the mirror
She admires a brand new dress

Live on the second floor now
They're trying to bust the door down
Soon I'll have a new address

So much for liberation
They'll have a celebration
Yeah I've been under too much stress

And as the cloud begin to rumble
So the juggler makes his fumble
And the sun upon my wall is getting less

Don't, give a damn
Fight, while you can
Kill, shoot 'em up
They'll run amuck
Shout, Judas
Loud, they'll hear us
Soldier, sailor
Who's your tailor
They'll run for cover when they discover
Everyone's a nervous wreck now

I used to think she was so nimble
Would have bought her as symbol
But now I can't afford the pen to sign her checks
Don't give a damn......

They'll run for cover when they discover
Everyone's a nervous wreck now
Life's just a bummer they got your number
We'll give as good as we get now
Rise from the gutter, stick with each other
We'll drive 'em over the edge now
They're gonna bleed, that's what they need
We'll get together and blow their cover
We're ready
Yeah we're ready
Yeah we're ready


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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