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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


AC/DC - Landslide / 1983

  Asculta tot albumul (click aici)  
Adaugat de rasa 10.07.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.685 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
AC/DC - Landslide


I want you to hear me out there
this is for all you bad boys
this a story of the satan rock 'n' roll
I want you to put your hand in your pocket
take ten dollars out and send it to me

well momma don't scold her son
for what he been doing upstairs
daddy don't take him out no no
sister just pull his hair
this boy is lost
it's a living nightmare, it ain't fair
that boy he don't know how to lose
he's out to win
he got the lot to top the last shot
shaker he's a breaker he's a maker he's a landslide
landslide, landslide
walkin' talkin' rockin' landslide

now momma he ain't no toy
never ever get his share
get his stack in a gunnysack
still be room for air
this boy is lost
it's a rockin' double dare, he's out to scare
that boy he don't know how to lose
he's out to win
he got the lot to top the last shot
shaker he's a breaker he's a maker he's a landslide
walkin' talkin' rockin' landslide

landslide, landslide, landslide, landslide
preacher done say his prayer
take him to the promised land
momma done allow no get down here
never gonna get up there
this boy is lost
like a rebel with out cause
but he's the boss
that boy he don't know how to lose
he's gonna win
he got the lot to top the last shot
shaker he's a breaker he's a maker he's a landslide
walkin' talkin' rockin' landslide
walkin' talkin' rockin' landslide
landslide, landslide
that man's a one man landslide
that boys a walk talk rockin' landslide
get down


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