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Pet Shop Boys - To Face the Truth / 1990

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Adaugat de matei 02.07.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.540 vizualizari

Nota film: 4 / 5 (1 vot )
Pet Shop Boys - To Face the Truth / 1990


You know it hurts me when you lie
Sometimes that even makes me cry
cause Im so in love with you
If you dont believe what I have said
Take a look, my eyes are red
cause Im so in love with you
But all those sleepless nights in bed
When youve been out somewhere instead
I wonder if you care and cannot bear the proof
It hurts too much to face the truth
To face the truth

A lawyer with a case to prove
Would sift the evidence, then move
Its the only thing to do
So why then cant I face the facts?
Sift this evidence that backs
I am so in love with you
But all the nights when you have said
You must be somewhere else instead
I wonder where you go, but darent expose the proof
It hurts too much to face the truth
To face the truth

You are the only one, the only one

You know it hurts me when you lie
Sometimes that even makes me cry
cause Im so in love with you
If you dont believe what I have said
Take a look, my eyes are red
cause Im so in love with you
But all the nights you dont show up
I know its time I should grow up
I ask you if you care, you stand and stare aloof
It hurts too much to face the truth
To face the truth



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