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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Kim Carnes - Along with the Radio / 1986

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Adaugat de mica 01.07.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.519 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kim Carnes - Along with the Radio


I was drivin' my car tonight
And I was feelin' down
The i thought about you
Like I always do
And I turned myself around

Ooh it was magic
Some kind of a dream
Somebody turned the radio on
It was our favorite spot
In the parking lot
I knew it was crazy
I knew I was gone

On the edge of the night
We had some kind of time
The two of us just holding on
When nothing else mattered
But the fire in our eyes
And singing our favorite song
Along with the radio
Along with the radio

Don't wake me up
Just to break my heart
Cause I could stay here all night
Where memories are so sweet to me
You were the best thing in my life
And in the changin' times
You can lose your mind
But you've still got my heart
And if you're ever alone
I'm as close as your telephone

On the edge of the night
We had some kind of time
The two of us just holding on
When nothing else mattered
But the fire in our eyes
And singing our favorite song
Along with the radio
Along with the radio


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