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Electric Light Orchestra - Ticket to the Moon/ 1981

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Adaugat de dali 27.06.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.645 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )

Remember the good old 1980's,
When things were so uncomplicated,
I wish I could go back there again,
And everything could be the same.
I've got a ticket to the moon,
I'll be leaving here any day soon,
Yeah, I've got a ticket to the moon,
But I'd rather see the sunrise, in your eyes.
Got a ticket to the moon,
I'll be rising high above the earth so soon,
And the tears I cry might turn into the rain,
That gently falls upon your window,
You'll never know.
Ticket to the moon
Fly, fly through a troubled sky
Up to a new world shining bright.
Flying high above,
Soaring madly through the mysteries that come,
Wondering sadly if the ways that led me here,
Could turn around and I would see you there,
standing there
Ticket to the moon,
Flight leaves here today from satellite 2,
As the minutes go by what shall I do,
I paid the fare but what more can I say,
It's just one way.
Ticket to the moon.


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