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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


The Rolling Stones - Let it Bleed / 1969

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Adaugat de elvira 18.06.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.439 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
The Rolling Stones - Let it Bleed


Well, we all need someone we can lean on
And if you want it, you can lean on me
Yeah, we all need someone we can lean on
And if you want it, you can lean on me

She said, "My breasts, they will always be open
Baby, you can rest your weary head right on me
And there will always be a space in my parking lot
When you need a little coke and sympathy"

Yeah, we all need someone we can dream on
And if you want it, baby, well you can dream on me
Yeah, we all need someone we can cream on
And if you want to, well you can cream on me

I was dreaming of a steel guitar engagement
When you drunk my health in scented jasmine tea
But you knifed me in my dirty filthy basement
With that jaded, faded, junky nurse
Oh what pleasant company

We all need someone we can feed on
And if you want it, well you can feed on me
Take my arm, take my leg, oh baby don't you take my head?

Yeah, we all need someone we can bleed on
Yeah, and if you want it, baby, well you can bleed on me
Yeah, we all need someone we can bleed on
Yeah, yeah, and if you want it, baby, why don'cha bleed on me
All over

Ahh, bleed it alright, bleed it alright, bleed it alright
You can bleed all over me
bleed it alright, bleed it alright, bleed it alright
You can cum all over me


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