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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


XTC - Outside World / 1979

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Adaugat de peter 16.06.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.667 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
XTC - Outside World


She has six swans singing in her sauna
So she can't hear what's going on
No she can't hear what's going on
In the outside world
In the outside world
In the outside
Bad black and white men
Standing in their pigpen
Selling guns to simpletons
To shoot 'em in the abdomen
And she's not interested in that
And she's not interested in that
She has six swans singing in her sauna
Outside - world - outside

She has eleven lions laughing at her lakeside
So she can't hear what's going on
No she can't hear what's going on
In the outside world
In the outside world
In the outside
Bad brown and yellow men
Splitting on their fellow men
Drape her in a newspaper
And stab her with a poison pen
She's not interested in that
She's not interested in that
She has eleven lions laughing at her lakeside
Outside - world - outside

You can keep your animals
All the noise and the din
Just make a little space for me
I'm coming in


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