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Cine l-a omorat pe Bob Marley ?
In iulie 1977, Marley a fost gasit pentru a avea un tip de melanom malign sub unghie de unul dintre degetele de la picioare. Contrar legendelor urbane, aceasta leziune nu a fost in primul rand cauzata de o accidentare in timpul unui meci de fotbal in acel an, dar a fost loc de un simptom de cancer deja existent. Marley a refuzat sfatul medicilor de a avea piciorul amputat, invocand convingerile sale religioase. [42] In ciuda bolii sale, el a continuat Touring si a fost in procesul de programare un turneu mondial in 1980. Intentia a fost de Inner Circle sa fie actul sau de deschidere de pe tur, dar dupa ce solistul lor Iacov, Miller a murit in Jamaica martie 1980, dupa intoarcerea de la o misiune in Brazilia scouting acest lucru a fost nu mai este mentionata. [43]
Rascoala Albumul a fost lansat in mai 1980 (produs de Chris Blackwell), pe care "Redemption Song", este deosebit de considerate a fi de aproximativ Marley ajunge la un acord cu mortalitate lui. [Necesita citare] trupa incheiat un turneu major al Europei, in cazul in care acestea a jucat cel mai mare concert lor, la o suta de mii de oameni din Milano. Dupa Marley turneu a fost in America, unde a efectuat doua spectacole la Madison Square Garden, ca parte a Tour revoltei.
Concertul final al carierei lui Bob Marley, a avut loc 23 septembrie 1980 la Teatrul Stanley (acum se numeste Centrul de Benedum pentru artele interpretative) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Inregistrarea audio a concertului, care este acum disponibil pe CD, vinil, si serviciilor digitale de muzica.
La scurt timp dupa, Marley sanatate sa deteriorat si a devenit foarte bolnav, cancerul sa raspandit in tot corpul sau. Restul turneului a fost anulat si Marley cautat de tratament de la clinica bavarez de Josef Issels, unde a primit un tip controversat de terapie de cancer (Issels de tratament), partial bazat pe evitarea anumitor alimente, bauturi, si alte substante. Dupa lupta de cancer, fara succes timp de opt luni, Marley imbarcat pe un avion pentru casa sa din Jamaica. [44]
In timp ce zboara acasa de la Germania la Jamaica, functiile vitale ale lui Marley inrautatit. Dupa aterizare, in Miami, Florida, a fost dus la spital pentru ingrijire medicala imediata. El a murit la spitalul Cedars din Liban, Spitalul din Miami (acum la Universitatea din Miami Hospital), in dimineata zilei de 11 mai 1981, la varsta de 36. Raspandirea de melanom la plamani si creier cauzat moartea lui. Ultimele sale cuvinte catre fiul sau au fost Ziggy "Banii nu pot cumpara viata". [45] Marley a primit funeralii de stat, in Jamaica, pe 21 mai 1981, care a combinat elemente de etiopian Ortodoxiei si traditiei Rastafari [46] El a fost ingropat intr-o. capela langa locul nasterii lui cu rosu lui Gibson Les Paul (unele conturi spun ca a fost un Fender Stratocaster). [47]
La 21 mai 1981, prim-ministrul jamaican Edward Seaga emis elogiul inmormantare final Marley, declarand:
Vocea lui a fost un strigat omniprezent in lumea noastra electronica. Lui caracteristici clare, priviri, maiestuoase si stil prancing o gravura vie pe peisajului de mintile noastre. Bob Marley nu a fost niciodata vazut. A fost o experienta pe care a lasat o amprenta de nesters, cu fiecare intalnire. Un astfel de om nu poate fi sters din minte. El este o parte din constiinta colectiva a natiunii. [48]
In July 1977, Marley was found to have a type of malignant melanoma under the nail of one of his toes. Contrary to urban legend, this lesion was not primarily caused by an injury during a football match in that year, but was instead a symptom of the already existing cancer. Marley turned down doctors' advice to have his toe amputated, citing his religious beliefs.[42] Despite his illness, he continued touring and was in the process of scheduling a world tour in 1980. The intention was for Inner Circle to be his opening act on the tour but after their lead singer Jacob Miller died in Jamaica in March 1980 after returning from a scouting mission in Brazil this was no longer mentioned.[43]
The album Uprising was released in May 1980 (produced by Chris Blackwell), on which "Redemption Song" is particularly considered to be about Marley coming to terms with his mortality.[citation needed] The band completed a major tour of Europe, where they played their biggest concert, to a hundred thousand people in Milan. After the tour Marley went to America, where he performed two shows at Madison Square Garden as part of the Uprising Tour.
The final concert of Bob Marley's career was held 23 September 1980 at the Stanley Theater (now called The Benedum Center For The Performing Arts) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The audio recording of that concert is now available on CD, vinyl, and digital music services.
Shortly after, Marley's health deteriorated and he became very ill; the cancer had spread throughout his body. The rest of the tour was cancelled and Marley sought treatment at the Bavarian clinic of Josef Issels, where he received a controversial type of cancer therapy (Issels treatment) partly based on avoidance of certain foods, drinks, and other substances. After fighting the cancer without success for eight months, Marley boarded a plane for his home in Jamaica.[44]
While flying home from Germany to Jamaica, Marley's vital functions worsened. After landing in Miami, Florida, he was taken to the hospital for immediate medical attention. He died at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Miami (now University of Miami Hospital) on the morning of 11 May 1981, at the age of 36. The spread of melanoma to his lungs and brain caused his death. His final words to his son Ziggy were "Money can't buy life".[45] Marley received a state funeral in Jamaica on 21 May 1981, which combined elements of Ethiopian Orthodoxy and Rastafari tradition.[46] He was buried in a chapel near his birthplace with his red Gibson Les Paul (some accounts say it was a Fender Stratocaster).[47]
On 21 May 1981, Jamaican Prime Minister Edward Seaga delivered the final funeral eulogy to Marley, declaring:
His voice was an omnipresent cry in our electronic world. His sharp features, majestic looks, and prancing style a vivid etching on the landscape of our minds. Bob Marley was never seen. He was an experience which left an indelible imprint with each encounter. Such a man cannot be erased from the mind. He is part of the collective consciousness of the nation.[48]