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Leonard Cohen - Darkness / 2012

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Adaugat de marica 27.05.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.907 vizualizari

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Leonard Cohen - Darkness /2012

Versuri cantec:
I caught the darkness
It was drinking from your cup
I caught the darkness
from your little cup
I said, Is this contagious?
You said, Just drink it up.

I've got no future
I know my days are few
Ah, the present's not that pleasant
just a lot of things to do
I thought the past would last me
but the darkness got that too


I should have seen it coming
It was right behind your eyes
You were young and it was summer
I just had to take a dive
Winning you was easy, baby,
but the darkness was the prize

I don't smoke no cigarettes
I don't use the alcohol
I ain't had much lovin' yet
but that's always been your call.
Hey, I don't miss it baby
I got no taste for anything at all

I used to love the rainbow
and I used to love the view (ahh)
I loved the early morning
and I pretended it was new
But I caught the darkness, baby,
And I got it worse than you


I caught the darkness,
it was drinking from your cup
I caught the darkness
from your little cup
I said, Is this contagious?
You said, Just drink it up.



Semnaleaza o problema


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