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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Anne Sofie Otter &Elvis Costello - Broken Bicycles 2001

Adaugat de livia 06.05.2012  Adauga la favorite 916 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (4 voturi )
Anne Sofie von Otter & Elvis Costello

Versuri :

Broken Bicycles

Broken bicycles, old busted chains
Rusted handlebars, out in the rain
Somebody must have an orphanage for
All these things that nobody wants anymore

September's reminding July
It's time to be saying goodbye
Summer is gone, our love will remain
Like old broken bicycles out in the rain


Motorcars, handlebars
Bicycles for two
Broken-hearted jubilee
Parachutes, army boots
Sleeping bags for two
Sentimental jamboree

"Buy! Buy!" says the sign in the shop window
"Why? Why?" says the junk in the yard

Broken Bicycles

Broken bicycles, don't tell my folks
'Cos all those playing cards pinned to the spokes
Laid out like skeletons out on the lawn
The wheels won't turn when the other half's gone

Seasons can turn on a dime
Somehow I forget every time
For the things that you've given me
Will always stay
They're broken
But I'll never throw them away




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