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Tears for Fears - Sowing the Seeds of Love / live 2007

Adaugat de noua 27.04.2012  Adauga la favorite 843 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )

High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man,
and the love train rides from coast to coast.
D.J.'s the man we love the most.
Could you be, could you be squeaky clean and smash every hope of democracy as
the head line says you're free to choose
There's egg on your face and mud on your shoes.
One of these days they're gonna call it the blues yeah, yeah.

Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love, sowing the seeds.
Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love, sowing the seeds.

I spy tears in their eyes they look to the skies
for some kind of divine intervention.
Food goes to waste!
So nice to eat, so nice to taste.
Politician granny with your high ideals
have you no idea how the majority feels?
So with out love and a promised land,
we're fools to the rules of a government plan.
Kick out the Style!
Bring back the Jam!

Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love, sowing the seeds.
Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love,

Sowing the seeds, the birds and the bees, my girlfriend and me in love.

Feel the pain, talk about it if you're a worried man, then shout about it.

Open hearts feel about it. Open minds think about it.
Everyone read about it. Every one scream about it everyone.
Everyone read about it, read about it, read it in the books,
in the crannies and the nooks, there are books to read.

Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love, sowing the seeds.
Sowing the seeds of love, seeds of love, sowing the seeds.
Sowing the seeds of love, sowing the seeds,
sowing the seeds of love, sowing the seeds of love.
Mister England sowing the seeds of love.

Time to eat all your words, swallow your pride, open your eyes.
High time we made a stand and shook up the view of the common man.
And the love train rides from coast to coast, every minute of every hour.
"I Love a Sunflower," and I believe in love power, Love Power, Love Power!!!!

Sowing the seeds An end to need, And the Politics of Greed With Love.


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