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Marcel De Sano - Regizor la Metro Goldwyn Mayer / 1925

Adaugat de Alexandra 25.04.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.422 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Marcel De Sano - movie Director MGM

Marcel De Sano
(Marcel Dragusanu)
movie Director MGM
1925 MGM Studios
Marcel de Sano (Marcel Dragusanu )
The newspapers brought the news that a Romanian who settled abroad many years ago committed suicide in a strange and horrible way. Marcel Dragusanu was found dead near Ville d'Avray in his car set on fire. At first it was thought that it was an ordinary accident as his car hit a concrete pillar and the engine exploded. Research police found out that Marcel Dragusanu fixed a rubber tube to the car's exhaust and giving way, the tube inserted in his mouth, the poisonous gases suffocated him. As he fainted, the car hit the concrete pillar and the engine exploded. Within minutes there was nothing left of the most beautiful Paris car, nor of the most charming adventurer who ever lived.
Marcel Dragusanu chose the original death as was original all his life, putting a sudden end to it, in full force and youth.
When the Great war was over and his service (heroic Neueport pilot) became common like any other job. So, after six month he resigned from the army with the lieutenant rank. He went to Paris and then to Rome where he dealt intensely with cinema production. At that time Italy was the center of European cinema. He played leading roles in several films along with Francesca Bertini, Pina Menichelli, Lyda Borelli etc. Between him and Lyda Borelli a beautiful romance of love was born which ended with marriage, but that was not to be a too happy one. Lyda Borelli went on a tour in South America and Dragusanu, alone and abandoned by all his friends, fell seriously ill. Fortunately for him, arrived in Italy the great Romanian statesman Take Ionescu who knew the heroic adventurer in Iasi an loved him as a father. He cared of Dragusanu and helped him to go to Paris where just started to assert the film industry of the brothers Nathan, also of Romanian origin. Marcel Dragusanu played no longer; he became director of production and married the beautiful actress Arlette Marchal. Neither this second marriage had to be happy. Dragusanu always wanted more than he had. The American Hollywood film industry was in increasingly large swing. Dragusanu disappeared from Paris , after divorcing from Arlette Marchal. Passing the Ocean, the adventurer staid for ten years in Hollywood. Here he became the right-hand man of the great film director Cecil B. de Mille . Dragusanu had his first disappointment with Cecil B. de Mille daughter . But he was quickly reconciled by a new romance, a fatal one, which led to his ill-fated fact. He accepted to become the great singer Jeanette MacDonald's "manager" for Europe. Dragusanu fell in love with the singer who responded to his love. They became engaged, but didn't get married.
Being in Europe, Dragusanu left his fiancee for two weeks in Italy and came to see his parents and relatives in Romania. He came as a silver-haired, entirely Americanized man, his eyes shining an invincible will, a man who earned successes in life. . The designed marriage with Jeanette Macdonald was over.
He was seen in Paris and in fashionable spas driving alongside to a small Siamese woman who followed him everywhere like a faithful dog. This is the most troubled period in his life. And ends with the tragic suicide that nobody is able to explain. Marcel Dragusanu as a heroic adventurer couldn't support the decay of the times. .

Sourse:(foto)- the Marcel de Sano (Marcel Dragusanu)'s nephew private archive
(story)-Romanian Academy Library-Ilustratiunea romana-1936



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