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Fleetwood Mac Peter Green - Heroes Are Hard To Find 1974

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Adaugat de goldi 19.04.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.980 vizualizari

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Fleetwood Mac Peter Green - Heroes Are Hard To Find 1974

Albumm:Fleetwood Mac ‎– Heroes Are Hard To Find / anul 1974

Blues Rock, Pop Rock

Girls you know
When you're in the mood
(In the mood)
You may meet a man
Can't do anything good
(nothing good)
But you've got to pity him
And ty to understand
That a hero, a hero is so hard to find

When he takes you
For his love
(for his love)
And he tries to tell you
That there is'nt any other
(don't believe him)
Oh, he may kiss you
And tell you he'll miss you
(such a shame)
But don't forget, a hero is so hard to find

When he says hello
Don't forget they're all the same
(you know they're all the same)
You may end up sitting all alone
And with yourself to blame
Oh, don't you let him

So when he tells you
You've got diamonds in your eyes
(he's just lying)
Don't get carried away
Cause you know he's selling you lies
(he's just lying)
So when you get the feeling
The man you've got's no good
He's no good
Well just remember, a hero is so hard to find
Well just remember, a hero is so hard to find

Heroes, heroes are hard to find
Heroes, heroes are hard to find
Heroes, heroes are hard to find
Heroes, heroes are hard to find...


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