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Aviatia in Primul Razboi Mondial / Footage

Adaugat de maxim 02.04.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.266 vizualizari

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Dragusanu Marcel De Sano

Nieuport 28.C1 demo flight in "Rise Of Flight"

Dragusanu disappeared one day from home. He embarked on a ship carrying
wheat from Constanta to Marseille and crossed la Mediterranean Sea in 14 days without eating anything but crackers and drinking fresh water found in the lifeboat where he stood hidden. Arriving exhausted at Marseille, he barely managed to get out of the boat in a night fog. He came to France with the precise purpose to join the Foreign Legion.

Although he was only 17, Marcel Dragusanu was admitted and passed to the air force where he advanced quickly to the rank of second lieutenant. He was a “hot head" as the French say and achieved several remarkable brave acts.

In 1916, at the age of 19, he had on his chest the “Legion of Honor" and “Croix de guerre" medals and he was seven times quoted on the “Order of the day".
In 1917, when Romania was undergoing difficult days of distress, when we knew nothing of what was going beyond the iron circle in which Mackensen’s armies surrounded us, one fine morning at the primitive airport of the Moldova headquarters landed an airplane with the three colors of France on the wings.

It was Marcel Dragusanu, who, risking his life, passed from Thesaloniki on a fighter over the enemy lines and landed safely in Moldova. General Sarrail sent by Marcel Dragusanu , French officer and Romanian citizen, important messages, the first mission of the victory that was on the verge.

The compatriots made Marcel Dragusanu an enthusiastic reception.
He has been personally decorated by the King Ferdinand I with the “Michael the Brave" medal and was quoted on the “Order of the day".

Romanian airmen that were awarded the Mihai Viteazul Order 3rd class during WW1:
1. lt. Ioan Penes (pilot), awarded by Royal Decree No. 385/29 April 1917, had taken part in 12 air combats by that date and in several bombing missions. On 24 March 1917 he was wounded, but he carried on his long range recon mission.
2. lt. Petre Ioanin (pilot), awarded by Royal Decree No. 570/12 June 1917, on 9 May 1917, while on a recon mission, he was attacked by an enemy Brandenburg airplane with two MGs, which he shot down in the Romanian lines at Cotofenesti.
3. slt. Dumitru Darian (observer), awarded by Royal Decree No. 570/12 June 1917, he was attacked by an enemy Brandenburg airplane with two MGs, which he shot down in the Romanian lines at Cotofenesti.
4. slt. Ermil Gheorghiu, awarded by Royal Decree No. 570/12 June 1917, on 30 April 1917, during a photo recon mission, he was gravely wounded after splinters hit him in the liver, but he carried on his mission. (he is the gen. Ermil Gheorghiu that commanded the 1st Air Corps during WW2 and was awarded the RK)
5. lt. av. Vasile Craiu (pilot), awarded by Royal Decree No. 626/23 June 1917, on 15 June 1917 he protected a Romanian airplane that was directing the artillery fire from the attack of three enemy aircraft. He was wounded, but managed to bring his aircraft back to the Romanian lines.
6. slt. Egon Nasta (pilot), awarded by Royal Decree No. 16/2 January 1918, had taken part in 30 air combats and in many recon missions. On 17 November 1917 he shot down an enemy aircraft at Racoasa.
7. slt. av. Gheorghe Stalpeanu (pilot), awarded by Royal Decree No. 677/23 March 1918, had distinguished himself on 13 August 1917 when, during a recon mission, was attacked by 3 enemy aircraft and he shot down one of them and the other two retreated quickly.
8. cpt. obs. Grigore Gafencu (obsever), awarded by Royal Decree No. 830/9 April 1918, executed several recon missions at Namoloasa and Marasesti, where between 3 and 6 August 1917 he distinguished himself. He engaged an enemy aircraft and shot it down. (he occupied important offices in the Foreign Affairs Ministry during the inter-war era)
9. slt. Marcel Dragusanu (pilot), awarded by Royal Decree No. 830/9 April 1918, on 13 September 1917 he shot down an enemy aircraft and on 5 October he attacked another enemy airplane and forced it to retreat back to its lines.
10. slt. Paul Mogaldea (pilot), awarded by Royal Decree No. 830/9 April 1918, distinguished himself on 25 october 1917, when over Marasti he engaged three enemy aircraft and shot down one of them


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