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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Eagles - I Can't Tell you Why / 1979 live

Adaugat de barbi 19.03.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.133 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Eagles - I Can't Tell you Why / 1980

Glenn Frey: Lead guitars, piano, keyboards, Lead vocals.
Joe Walsh: Lead guitars, Slide Guitar, keyboards, organ, Lead vocals.
Timothy B. Schmit: Bass guitar, Lead vocals.
Don Henley: drums, percussion, guitars, Lead vocals.

Background musicians
Steuart Smith: Lead guitars, backing vocals (primarily replaces Don Felder who was fired from the Eagles in 2001)
Michael Thompson: Keyboards, accordion
Willie Hollis: Keyboards, backing vocals
Scott Crago: Drums, percussion, sound FX
Bill Armstrong: Horns
Al Garth: Horns, violin
Christian Mostert: Horns
Greg Smith: Horns, percussion
Look at us baby, up all night
Tearing our love apart
Aren't we the same two people who live
through years in the dark?
Every time I try to walk away
Something makes me turn around and stay
And I can't tell you why

When we get crazy,
it just ain't to right,
(try to keep you head, little girl)
Girl, I get lonely, too
You don't have to worry
Just hold on tight
(don't get caught in your little world)
'Cause I love you
Nothing's wrong as far as I can see
We make it harder than it has to be
and I can't tell you why
no, baby,
I can't tell you why
I can't tell you why

Every time I try to walk away
Something makes me turn around and stay
And I can't tell you why
No, no, baby,
I can't tell you why
I can't tell you why
I can't tell you why...


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