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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Solomon Burke - Flesh and Blood / 2002

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Adaugat de radio 03.03.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.147 vizualizari

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Solomon Burke - Flesh and Blood


come sit beside me
that'll do for now
the night has come and left me
just the light that you allow

come speak my name
fill my head with all such foolish dreams
my flesh and blood
is no more real to me
than what it seems

my love for you is burning
like a spark along a fuse
i feel your mark upon me now
as surely as the hand that leaves the bruise

life is for the living
and life comes hard for some
the rest of us with flesh and blood
make it hard all along

all i ever wanted
was the freedom to refuse
or something of my own to love enough
to hate
to lose

the fever in my brain
is leaving smoke behind my eyes
but the part of me that wants to change
fights the part of me that tries

come see the golden light
cause i've turned the gold light on
sometimes god knows
you gotta learn to shine, shine, shine shine, shine gold.

i stepped out of darkness
and for a moment
i'm only living by your kiss your kiss your kiss your kiss your lips your kiss
and now, just for now, our flesh and blood
is more real than this
more real than this..


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