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Maciej Zembaty - The Law / 1986

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Adaugat de Alexandra 08.02.2012  Adauga la favorite 2.019 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Maciej Zembaty - Prawo
Versuri si muzica:The Law-Leonard Cohen

How many times did you call me
And I knew it was late
I left everybody
But I never went straight
I don't claim to be guilty
But I do understand

There's a Law, there's an
Arm, there's a Hand
There's a Law, there's an
Arm, there's a Hand

Now my heart's like a blister
From doing what I do
If the moon has a sister
It's got to be you
I'm going to miss you forever
Tho' it's not what I planned

There's a Law, there's an
Arm, there's a Hand
There's a Law, there's an
Arm, there's a Hand

Now the deal has been dirty
Since dirty began
I'm not asking for mercy
Not from the man
You just don't ask for mercy
While you're still on the stand

There's a Law, there's an
Arm, there's a Hand
There's a Law, there's an
Arm, there's a Hand

I don't claim to be guilty
Guilty's too grand

There's a Law, there's an
Arm, there's a Hand
There's a Law, there's an
Arm, there's a Hand

That's all I can say, baby
That's all I can say
It wasn't for nothing
That they put me away
I fell with my angel
Down the chain of command

There's a Law, there's an
Arm, there's a Hand
There's a Law, there's an
Arm, there's a Hand
There's a Law, there's an
Arm, there's a Hand


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