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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Judy Collins - Michael from mountains / 1967

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Adaugat de Alexandra 07.02.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.488 vizualizari

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Judy Collins-Michael from mountains / 1967

Versuri cantec:
Michael wakes you up with sweets
He takes you up streets and the rain comes down
Sidewalk markets locked up tight
And umbrellas bright on a grey background
There's oil on the puddles in taffeta patterns
That run down the drain
In colored arrangements
That michael will change with a stick that he found

Michael from mountains
Go where you will go to
Know that I will know you
Someday I may know you very well

Michael brings you to a park
He sings and it's dark when the clouds come by
Yellow slickers up on swings
Like puppets on strings hanging in the sky
They'll splash home to suppers in wallpapered kitchens
Their mothers will scold
But michael will hold you
To keep away cold till the sidewalks are dry-


Michael leads you up the stairs
He needs you to care and you know you do
Cats come crying to the key
And dry you will be in a towel or two
There's rain in the window
There's sun in the painting that smiles on the wall
You want to know all
But his mountains have called so you never do-



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