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Phil Collins - Can't Stop Loving You/2002

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Adaugat de Alexandra 07.02.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.841 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Phil Collins - Can't Stop Loving You/2002

Versuri cantec:

So you're leaving in the morning on the early train
I could say everything's alright
And I could pretend and say goodbye
Got your ticket
Got your suitcase
Got your leaving smile
I could say that's the way it goes
And I could pretend and you won't know
That I was lying

Cause I can't stop loving you
No I can't stop loving you
No I won't stop loving you
Why should I?

We took a taxi to the station, not a word was said
And I saw you walk across the road
For maybe the last time I don't know
Feeling humble
I heard a rumble
On the railway track
And when I hear that whistle blow
I'll walk away and you won't know
That I'll be crying

Cause I can't stop loving you
No I can't stop loving you
No I won't stop loving you
Why should I?

Even try ??I'll always be here by your side
Why, why, why ??I never wanted to say goodbye
Why even try ?.I'm always here if you change, change your mind

So you 're leaving in the morning on the early train
I could say everything's alright
And I could pretend and say goodbye
But that would be lying

Cause I can't stop loving you
No I can't stop loving you
No I won't stop loving you
Why should I even try?

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