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Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue - Death is not the end / 1996

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Adaugat de alexandra 04.02.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.918 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue & The Pogues - Death is not the end/1996

Versuri si muzica:Bob Dylan

When you're sad and when you're lonely

And you haven't got a friend

Just remember that death is not the end

And all that you held sacred

Falls down and does not mend

Just remember that death is not the end

Not the end, not the end

Just remember that death is not the end

When you're standing on the crossroad

That you cannot comprehend

Just remember that death is not the end

And all your dreams have vanished

And you don't know what's up the bend

Just remember that death is not the end

Not the end, not the end

Just remember that death is not the end

When the storm clouds gather round you

And heavy rains descend

Just remember that death is not the end


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