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Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - Idiot Prayer / 1997

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Adaugat de floarea 19.01.2012  Adauga la favorite 797 vizualizari

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Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - Idiot Prayer

Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - Idiot Prayer

Album: The Boatman's Call (1997)


They're taking me down, my friend
And as they uskher me off to my end
Will I bid you adieu?
Or will I be seeing you soon?
If what they say around here is true
Then we'll meet again
Me and you

My time is at hand, my dove
They're gunna pass me to that house above
Is Heaven just for victims, dear?
Where only those in pain go?
Well it takes two to tango
We will meet again, my love
I know

If you're in Heaven then you'll forgive me, dear
Because that's what they do up there
If you're in Hell, then what can I say
You probably deserved in anyway
I guess I'm gunna find out any day
For we'll meet again
And there'll be Hell to pay

Your face comes to me from the depths, dear
Your silent mouth mouths, 'Yes", dear
Dark red and big with blood
They're gunna shut me down, my love
They're gunna launch me into the stars
Well, all things come to pass
Glory hallelujah

This prayer is for you, my love
Sent on the wings of a dove
An idiot prayer of empty words
Love, dear, is strictly for the birds
We each get what we deserve
My little snow white dove
Rest assured


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