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The Waterboys - Peace Of Iona / 2003

Adaugat de jolie 15.01.2012  Adauga la favorite 902 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Peace Of Iona (Live) - The Waterboys

Isle of Iona, Inner Hebrides, Scotland - This beautiful, mystical island is held sacred by Christians, and the Celts before them. To this day, royalty and nobility petition to be buried in the tiny graveyard beside the Abbey. This is a montage of our visit in March 2008.
Thanks to The Waterboys for their beautiful song, "Peace of Iona".
In a romantic coincidence, while celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary, we had the pleasure of meeting Sarah and Michael. They fell in love on Iona and returned one year later to marry in the Abby on March 31, 2008. We hope to see them again on Iona, on their 25th, and our 50th wedding anniversaries (2033)!



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