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David Byrne - Miss America / 1997 live

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Adaugat de micle 19.09.2024  Adauga la favorite 211 vizualizari

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David Byrne - Miss America / 1997


I love America, her secret's safe with me
And I know her wicked ways
The parts you never see
Oh, supergirl, you'll be my supermodel
Although you have a reputation
Can I afford to move above my station
I'm not the only heart you've conquered
And I love America, but, boy, can she be cruel
And I know how tall she is
Without her platform shoes
Oh, supergirl, you'll be my supermodel
Although at times it might seem awkward
Don't run away, oh, don't you recognize me?
I'm not the only heart you've conquered
And I kissed America when she was fleecing me
She knows I understand that she needs to be free
And I miss America and sometimes she does too
And sometimes I think of her when she is fucking you
I love America
Yo siempre he confiado en ti
I love America
?Por que me tratas asi?
Oh, supergirl, you'll be my supermodel
Although your pants are round your ankles
And when you're down, I'll be your Dirty Harry
It will be just like in the movies
Oh, supergirl, you'll be my supermodel
Although at times it might seem awkward
Don't look away, I'll be your teenage fanclub
I'm not the only heart you've conquered


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