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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Tom Waits - Gun Street Girl / 1988 live

Adaugat de info 08.01.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.013 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Tom Waits - Gun Street Girl / 1988


Falling James in the Tahoe mud
Stick around to tell us all the tail
He fell in love with a Gun Street Girl

Blew a hole in the hood of a yellow corvette
Blew a hole in the hood of a yellow corvette.

John, John he's long gone
Well he's Gone to Indiana,
He ain't never coming home,

John, John long gone
Well he's gone to Indiana,
He ain't never coming home.

Well he Took a 100 dollars off a slaughterhouse Joe
Brought a bran' new Michigan 20 gauge
He got all liquored up on a road house corn,

Blew a hole in the hood of a yellow corvette
Blew a hole in the hood of a yellow corvette.

John, John he's long gone
Why he's gone to Indiana
Ain't never coming home

John, John he's long gone
Why he's gone to Indiana
Ain't never coming home.

Miss Charlotte took her satchel down to Kingfish Row
Smuggled in a bran' new pair of alligator shoes.
With her fireman's raincoat and her long yellow hair
They tied her to a tree with a skinny millionaire,
They tied her to a tree with a skinny millionaire.

John, John
long gone
Why he's Gone to Indiana
Ain't never coming home

John, John
long gone
Why he's gone to Indiana
Ain't never coming home.

John, John
John, John
Roll Rollin Stone
John, John
Roll, Rollin Stone
Where ever he layed his hat was his home
When he died, all he left us was John, John

John, John
John, John
John, John

Now he's bangin' on a table with an old tin cup
Sing I'll never kiss a Gun Street Girl again,
I will never kiss a Gun Street Girl again.
I will never kiss a Gun Street Girl again.

John, John
John, John
John, John
John, John
John, John
John, John
John, John


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