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The Blue Nile - A Walk Across the Rooftops / 1984

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Adaugat de marea 07.01.2012  Adauga la favorite 674 vizualizari

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A Walk Across the Rooftops with Trisha Brown

The title track (and lead track/ track 1) of Blue Nile's sensational debut album, A Walk Across the Rooftops (1984), is a twitchy, bonkers romantic tune that hasn't been on youtube, but needs to be. We hereby fill that gap. The visuals are manipulations of photos (mainly gathered from across the web) of Trisha Brown's choreography, focusing on her stunning, rooftop, quasi- environmental art pieces of the early 1970s. (That's Brown herself at, e.g., 2:45, 3:05, 3:33. The famous rooftop shots are by Babette Mangolte. The famous 'man walking down the side of a building' shot is by Caroline Gooden. The famous 'Trisha rehearsing' shot is by Guy Delahaye.)
Brown's stuff is amazing, and very mathematical at bottom (see some of her algebraic drawing art at 3:01), which we like.


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