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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Peter Gabriel - Shaking The Tree / Live 1996 HD

Adaugat de bunele 04.01.2012  Adauga la favorite 601 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Peter Gabriel Shaking The Tree Live

Peter Gabriel -- Main Vocals, Harmonica, Keyboards, Rainstick Manu Katche -- Drums Tony Levin -- Bass, Chapman Stick, Main Vocals David Rhodes -- Guitar, Main Vocals Jean-Claude Naimro -- Keyboards, Main Vocals Shankar -- Violins, Main Vocals Levon Minassian -- Doudouk Paula Cole -- Main Vocals Leo Nocentelli - Guitar, Main Vocals Daniel Lanois - Dobro,Telecaster Babacar Faye - Djembe Assane Thiam - Talking Drum,Tama Hossam Ramzy - Surdo Tim Green - Tenor Saxophone Reggie Houston - Baritone Saxophone Renard Poche - Trombone Wayne Jackson - Trumpet, Cornet Ayub Ogada - Backing Vocals Papa Wemba -- Backing Vocals Reddy Amissi -- Backing Vocals Stino Mubi -- Backing Vocals

Secret World Live is a film of a Peter Gabriel concert in 1993, as part of his Secret World Live tour to support his sixth solo album, Us. The show is performed across two stages: a square and a circular stage, bridged by a conveyor belt. It was released on VHS, LaserDisc and DVD. An album of the same title with a similar track listing was also released.
The film received the 1996 Grammy Award for Best Long Form Music Video.
The film starts with Gabriel rising up from the stage in a telephone box singing the opening song. He eventually escapes the box and struggles to reach the circular stage, holding the phone which is on a extending cable, to meet Paula Cole. The two never meet and Gabriel is pulled back to the telephone box.


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