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Sad Lovers & Giants - On Another Day / 1996

Adaugat de mita 02.01.2012  Adauga la favorite 585 vizualizari

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Sad Lovers & Giants - On Another Day / 1996

One of the 80's best kept secrets, Watford band SL&G made very few headlines but many strong LP's. Here is a song taken from their magnificent second album, 'FEEDING THE FLAME' (1983). LISTEN LOUD.

Garce Allard - Vocals. Tristan Garel-Funk - Guitar, Percussion, Backing Vocals. Cliff Silver - Bass, Keyboards. Nigel Pollard - Drums, Percussion. David Wood - Keyboards, Percussion.


She traces neat escapes
In night skylines
Bowing out with style
Daylight seeps into her darkness
She'll watch a new moon smile
Then crawl away

On another day
You would swear my judgement was wrong
Tracing neat escapes
Now the soft attraction has gone

She'll swear some weak excuse
To gain more time
Changing sides like friends
To satisfy her quicksand ego
When life falls short again
She'll crawl away

Inside her father's house
She's free to stay
Challenge if you dare
Her mirror test of self deception
Replacements crowd the stairs
Rehearsed in praise



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