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Depeche Mode - Los Angeles 2023 / Concert 131 minute

Adaugat de Cozana 21.12.2023  Adauga la favorite 257 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Depeche Mode's unforgettable concert at The Forum in Los Angeles on December 12, 2023.


My Cosmos Is Mine: A stunning opener that sets the tone for the night.
Wagging Tongue: Captivating the audience with its unique vibe.
Walking in My Shoes: A journey through one of their iconic tracks.
It's No Good: The crowd gets lost in the familiar rhythms.
Policy of Truth: A performance that resonates with timeless relevance.
In Your Room (Zephyr Mix): A mesmerizing rendition that adds a new twist.
Everything Counts: A song that never fails to unite the audience.
Precious: The band's deep emotions fill the venue.
My Favourite Stranger: Introducing a new favorite with its live magic.
Home: A soul-touching performance that echoes in the heart.
Dressed in Black (Acoustic, sung by Martin): A rare, intimate moment.
Ghosts Again: The new classic that captures modern Depeche Mode.
I Feel You: The intensity of this song is palpable.
A Pain That I'm Used To (Jacques Lu Cont Remix): A fresh take on a beloved track.
World in My Eyes (Dedicated to Andrew Fletcher): A touching tribute to their late bandmate.
Black Celebration: The energy reaches new heights.
Stripped: A stripped-down version that captivates.
John the Revelator: A powerful, almost spiritual experience.
Enjoy the Silence: The perfect, poignant end to an incredible night.


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