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Leonard Cohen - Boogie Street / 2008 live

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Adaugat de micle 08.12.2023  Adauga la favorite 221 vizualizari

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Leonard Cohen - Boogie Street / 2008


Oh Crown of Light, oh Darkened One
I never thought we’d meet
You kiss my lips, and then it’s done:
And I’m back on Boogie Street

A sip of wine, a cigarette
And then it’s time to go
I tidied up the kitchenette;
I tuned the old banjo
I’m wanted at the traffic-jam
They’re saving me a seat
I’m what I am, and what I am
Is back on Boogie Street

And oh my love, I still recall
The pleasures that we knew;
The rivers and the waterfall
Wherein I bathed with you
Bewildered by your beauty there
I’d kneel to dry your feet
By such instructions you prepare
A man for Boogie Street

Oh Crown of Light, oh Darkened One
I never thought we’d meet
You kiss my lips, and then it’s done:
I’m back on Boogie Street

So come, my friends, be not afraid
We are so lightly here
It is in love that we are made;
In love we disappear
Tho’ all the maps of blood and flesh
Are posted on the door
There’s no one who has told us yet
What Boogie Street is for

Oh Crown of Light, oh Darkened One
I never thought we’d meet
You kiss my lips, and then it’s done:
I’m back on Boogie Street

A sip of wine, a cigarette
And then it’s time to go
I tidied up the kitchenette;
I tuned the old banjo
I’m wanted at the traffic-jam
They’re saving me a seat
I’m what I am, and what I am
Is back on Boogie Street


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