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The Pogues - My Baby's Gone / 1993

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Adaugat de zizi 23.12.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.408 vizualizari

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The Pogues - My Baby's Gone /
You got to weep,
You got to wail,
You got to drag yourself on hands and knees bleeding,
Another mile along the trail,
You got to laugh in the face of the devil,
When he's hanging on to your shirt tail,
You got to hold down the lid of the coffin,
And hammer in the last nail.

My baby's gone so far away,
She's never coming back to me.

You got to live,
You got to learn,
How to find your way to the end of the night,
When there's nowhere left to turn,
How to keep the last embers of the fire alight,
When there's nothing left to burn,
How to say goodbye to the ashes that fly,
From the cheap metal urn.

My baby's gone so far away,
She's never coming back to me.

She said go to sleep,
You got to save,
Your anger and rage for the living,
'Cause they're no damn good in the grave,
And don't waste your time in forgiving,
The ones who just don't know how to behave,
There's heaven and hell in the world that you live in,
But I'm in a different place.

My baby's gone so far away,
She's never coming back to me.


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