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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Shane MacGowan - Lonesome Highway / 1997

Adaugat de tony 23.12.2011  Adauga la favorite 905 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Shane MacGowan - Lonesome Highway

Lonesome Highway
By Shane MacGowan

As I wondered down the long lonesome highway
I meet other people on the way
The broken hearted lovers who've been left along the by-way
Living by night and hiding from the day
The people I meet as I go on my way
They all have a story to tell
How they once had a lover who left them on the by-way
To wonder this lonely hell

And if you know, don't let me go
And if you know, don't let me go
And if you know, don't let me go
I love you so
I love you so

So as I carry on down the long lonesome highway
I meet other people on the way
More broken hearted lovers who've been left along the by-way
Living by night and hiding from the day

And if you know, don't let me go
And if you know, don't let me go
And if you know, don't let me go
Cause I love you so
I love you so
Lonesome Highway
By Shane MacGowan

As I wondered down the long lonesome highway
I meet other people on the way
The broken hearted lovers who've been left along the by-way
Living by night and hiding from the day
The people I meet as I go on my way
They all have a story to tell
How they once had a lover who left them on the by-way
To wonder this lonely hell

And if you know, don't let me go
And if you know, don't let me go
And if you know, don't let me go
I love you so
I love you so

So as I carry on down the long lonesome highway
I meet other people on the way
More broken hearted lovers who've been left along the by-way
Living by night and hiding from the day

And if you know, don't let me go
And if you know, don't let me go
And if you know, don't let me go
Cause I love you so
I love you so


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