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Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Constipation Blues (1969)

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Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Constipation Blues (1969)

Screamin 'Jay Hawkins a fost cel mai bine cunoscut pentru melodia sa "Am pus o vraja asupra You", care a inregistrat pe eticheta Okeh in 1956 si care a ajutat-l castige statutul de cult in Statele Unite, Europa si Japonia. El a planificat initial tonul ca o balada, dar dupa o noapte de consumul exagerat de alcool a incercat din nou - tipete, strigand si gemand - si nu a privit niciodata inapoi. Horcait, unii spun "canibal" de livrare luat "Am pus o vraja asupra You" interzis de la posturile de radio din intreaga tara. Hawkins a continuat sa utilizeze acelasi stil dement din nou si din nou. Un interpret revoltatoare, el a folosit elemente de recuzita bizar etapa, de multe ori in curs de dezvoltare din sicrie in timpul prezinta. El va exercita serpi de cauciuc si tarantule fals si purta dinte un porc in jurul gatului sau sau un os prins la nasul lui. Jay Hawkins luat pauza primul sau in 1951, ca un pianist-valet la chitarist de jazz veteran Tiny Grimes. Debutul sau de inregistrare a fost de 1952 "De ce ai-mi pierd timpul", sustinuta de Highlanders Grimes si "Rockin lui.

*** *** Trivia

Planificarea a fost un album de inregistrari de opera sa cante pe la momentul mortii sale.

Poate au nascut cat mai multe 75 de copii.

Publicarii in Armata SUA, la varsta de 13 ani cu un certificat de nastere false, si a fost trimis la linia de combatere a taxei fata.

Manusi de Aur boxul amator campion si mai tarziu, in timp ce in armata, a castigat Campionatul Alaska Mijlocie, in 1949, de la Billy McCann, desi el a fost deposedat de titlul din cauza unei tehnicitate in conditii suspecte.

Piesa "I Put A Spell On You" a fost folosit in reclame TV american pentru McDonalds, Burger King, Pringle Chips de cartofi si de blugi Levi.

Pretinde ca a inregistrat un singur faimosul sau "I Put A Spell On You", in timp ce atat el cat si musicans au fost beat crita, si ca el nu a putut aminti nici macar sesiune de inregistrare.

Mentionate in piesa "Viata este o stanca Dar Radio Me Laminate" de catre Reunion.

Screamin 'Jay Hawkins a scris si a inregistrat piesa 1993 "Sherilyn Fenn", prezentate pe albumul "Piatra Crazy". Piesa este o oda cu actrita Sherilyn Fenn, care a lucrat cu Hawkins in Kuuma suhde (1988).

*** Personale Citate ***

Am trecut prin doua razboaie, al doilea razboi mondial si razboiul coreean, si eu sunt inca aici. Am mai multe semne pe corpul meu decat de cuvinte incrucisate medie de la cutite, bombe, gloante, si se taie in jumatate fiind de un colonel japonez intr-un prizonier de razboi tabara.

Ceva ce am vrut sa fac, dar niciodata nu a facut este sa cante opera. Care merge inapoi la respectul meu pentru Paul Robeson si Mario Lanza, dar cand am intrat in afacerile cu muzica, opera nu au ajuns in topurile, acestea au fost doar punerea rhythm and blues afara.

Cand am inceput inregistrarea ["I Put A Spell On You"], am inceput cu o versiune mai lenta. O saptamana mai tarziu am fost asezat la casa, si adu-mi un 78 din lucru. Am pus-o pe, l-am jucat din nou si din nou. I-am gandit ca mi-a mintit: acest lucru nu ar putea fi, eventual, canta-mi place asta. Deci am incercat sa vad daca as putea reproduce acel stil de a canta. Am contorsionate gura mea in acest fel si ca. Nu am putea-o face. In cele din urma Mi-am turnat niste scotch J & B, turnat ca in jos, si apoi am fost capabil sa o fac ca inregistrarea.

Majoritatea oamenilor cantece inregistrare despre dragoste, suferinta, singuratate, fiind rupt. Nimeni nu e de fapt iesit si a inregistrat un cantec despre adevarata durere! Trupa si tocmai am intors de la spitalul general, in cazul in care am prins un barbat in pozitia corecta.

Am venit in aceasta lume negru, gol si urat. Si nu conteaza cat de mult am acumula aici, este o calatorie scurta. Voi iesi din aceasta lume negru, gol si urat. Asa ca am bucura de viata.

(Fiind intrebat daca cineva intrebat vreodata os purta pe nas pentru concerte) in mod constant. Cele mai multe din lume spune ca sunt nebun pentru a face aceasta si as spune ca sunt absolut dreapta, dar cea mai buna parte a acestuia este: Pot sa merg la banca, si asta e tot ce voi spune.
Screamin' Jay Hawkins was best known for his song "I Put a Spell On You, " which he recorded on the Okeh label in 1956 and which helped win him cult status in the United States, Europe and Japan. He had originally planned the tune as a ballad, but after a night of heavy drinking he tried again--screaming, yelling and groaning--and never looked back. The snorting, some say "cannibalistic" delivery got "I Put A Spell On You" banned from radio stations across the country. Hawkins went on to use the same demented style again and again. An outrageous performer, he used bizarre stage props, often emerging out of coffins during shows. He would wield rubber snakes and fake tarantulas and wear a boar's tooth around his neck or a bone clipped to his nose. Jay Hawkins got his first break in 1951 as a pianist-valet to veteran jazz guitarist Tiny Grimes. His recording debut was 1952's "Why Did You Waste My Time, " backed by Grimes and his Rockin' Highlanders.


Was planning an album of operatic recordings to sing on at the time of his death.

May have fathered as many as 75 children.

Enlisted in the U.S. Army at the age of 13 with a forged birth certificate, and was sent to front line combat duty.

Golden Gloves amateur boxing champion and later, while in the Army, won the Alaska Middleweight Championship in 1949 from Billy McCann, though he was stripped of the title because of a technicality under suspicious circumstances.

His song "I Put A Spell On You" has been used in American TV commercials for McDonalds, Burger King, Pringle's Potato Chips and Levi's jeans.

Claims to have recorded his famous single "I Put A Spell On You" while both he and the musicans were blind drunk, and that he couldn't even recall the recording session.

Mentioned in the song "Life Is a Rock But the Radio Rolled Me" by Reunion.

Screamin' Jay Hawkins wrote and recorded the 1993 song "Sherilyn Fenn", featured on his album "Stone Crazy". The song is an ode to actress Sherilyn Fenn, who worked with Hawkins in Kuuma suhde (1988).

***Personal Quotes***

I went through two wars, WWII and the Korean War, and I'm still here. I got more marks on my body than the average crossword puzzle from knives, bombs, bullets, and being cut in half by a Japanese colonel in a prisoner of war camp.

Something I wanted to do but never did is sing opera. That goes back to my respect for Paul Robeson and Mario Lanza, but when I got into the music business, opera didn't get into the charts; they were just putting rhythm and blues out.

When we began recording ["I Put A Spell On You"], we started out with a slow version. A week later I was sitting at home, and they bring me a 78 of the thing. I put it on, I played it again and again. I thought they'd lied to me: this couldn't possibly be me singing like that. So I tried to see if I could reproduce that style of singing. I contorted my mouth this way and that. I couldn't do it. Finally I poured myself some J&B scotch, poured that down, and then I was able to do it like the record.

Most people record songs about love, heartbreak, loneliness, being broke. Nobody's actually gone out and recorded a song about real pain! The band and I have just returned from the general hospital, where we caught a man in the right position.

I came into this world black, naked and ugly. And no matter how much I accumulate here, it's a short journey. I will go out of this world black, naked and ugly. So I enjoy life.

(being asked if anyone ever questioned the bone he wore on his nose for concert performances) Constantly. Most of the world says you are crazy for doing it and I'd say you are absolutely right, but the best part of it is: I can go to the bank, and that's all I'm gonna say.



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