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Calatoria damnatilor (SUA -ANGLIA)Drama 155 min

Adaugat de Cozana 10.07.2023  Adauga la favorite 111 vizualizari

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Nota IMDB: 6.4
Voyage of the Damned (1976)
Regia Stuart Rosenberg

IMDb 6.4

Bazat pe evenimente istorice, acest film dramatic se refera la calatoria din 1939 a MS St. Louis , sub pavilion german, care a plecat din Hamburg transportand 937 de evrei din Germania, cu destinatia Havana , Cuba. Pasagerii, dupa ce au vazut si au suferit un antisemitism in crestere in Germania , si-au dat seama ca aceasta ar putea fi singura lor sansa de a scapa. Filmul detaliaza calatoria emotionanta a pasagerilor, care treptat au devenit constienti ca trecerea lor a fost planificata ca un exercitiu de propaganda nazista si ca Germania nu a intentionat niciodata sa debarce in Cuba. Mai degraba, ei urmau sa fie infiintati ca paria , pentru a da un exemplu in fata lumii. Ca nazistStatele oficiale din film, cand intreaga lume a refuzat sa-i accepte pe evrei ca refugiati , nicio tara nu poate invinovati Germania pentru soarta lor.

Guvernul cubanez refuza intrarea pasagerilor in timp ce nava este in mers, iar apoi linia se indreapta spre Statele Unite. In timp ce asteapta in largul coastei Floridei , pasagerii afla ca si Statele Unite le-au respins, asa cum o face ulterior Canada; lasandu-i capitanului de ales decat sa se intoarca in Europa. Capitanul ii spune unei persoane de incredere ca a primit o scrisoare semnata de 200 de pasageri prin care se spune ca se vor da mana si vor sari in mare decat sa se intoarca in Germania. El isi declara intentia de a esua nava pe un recif in largul coastei de sud a Angliei, pentru a permite pasagerilor sa fie salvati si sa ajunga in siguranta acolo.

Cu putin timp inainte de sfarsitul filmului, se dezvaluie ca guvernele Belgiei, Frantei, Tarilor de Jos si Regatului Unit au fost de acord sa accepte o parte din pasageri ca refugiati. In timp ce aplauda si aplauda la stiri, notele de subsol dezvaluie soarta unora dintre personajele principale, sugerand ca peste 600 dintre cei 937 de pasageri, care nu s-au reinstalat in Marea Britanie, ci in celelalte natiuni europene, au fost in cele din urma deportati si ucisi in Lagarele de concentrare naziste .

Faye Dunaway ca Denise Kreisler
Max von Sydow ca capitanul Schroeder
Oskar Werner in rolul profesorului Egon Kreisler
Malcolm McDowell ca Max Gunter
Orson Welles ca Jose Estedes
James Mason ca Dr. Juan Remos
Lee Grant ca Lili Rosen
Katharine Ross ca Mira Hauser
Ben Gazzara ca Morris Troper
Luther Adler ca profesorul Weiler
Michael Constantine ca Luis Clasing
Denholm Elliott ca amiralul Canaris
Jose Ferrer ca Manuel Benitez
Lynne Frederick ca Anna Rosen
Helmut Griem ca Otto Schiendick
Julie Harris ca Alice Fienchild
Wendy Hiller ca Rebecca Weiler
Paul Koslo ca Aaron Pozner
Nehemiah Persoff in rolul domnului Hauser
Fernando Rey ca presedinte Bru
Leonard Rossiter in rolul comandantului Von Bonin
Maria Schell in rolul doamnei Hauser
Victor Spinetti in rolul doctorului Erich Strauss
Janet Suzman ca Leni Strauss
Sam Wanamaker ca Carl Rosen
Keith Barron ca Purser Mueller
Ian Cullen ca ofiter radio
David Daker ca prim-ofiter
Brian Gilbert ca Laurenz Schulman
Constantine Gregory ca ofiter de navigatie (creditat drept Constantin de Goguel)
Georgina Hale in rolul Lotte Schulman
Don Henderson ca ofiter de inginerie
Bernard Hepton ca Milton Goldsmith
Anthony Higgins in rolul marinarului Berg
Donald Houston ca Dr. Glauner
Frederick Jaeger ca Werner Mannheim
David de Keyser ca Joseph Joseph
Della McDermott ca Julia Strauss
Gunter Meisner ca Robert Hoffman (creditat ca Guenter Meisner)
Jonathan Pryce in rolul lui Joseph Manasse
Marika Rivera ca Madame in Bordello
Ina Skriver in rolul cantaretului
Milo Sperber ca rabin
Philip Stone ca secretar
Adele Strong in rolul doamnei Schulman
Genevieve West ca Sarah Strauss
Laura Gemser ca prietena lui Estedes (necreditata)

Faye Dunaway, Oskar Werner si regizorul Stuart Rosenberg in locatie din Barcelona
Cartea a fost publicata in 1974. Los Angeles Times a numit-o „un document uman de o putere rara si discernatoare". [6] Cartea a fost un best seller, iar autorii au castigat aproximativ 500.000 de lire sterline din ea. [7]

Drepturile asupra cartii au fost achizitionate in 1974. [2] Initial, a fost conceput ca un film al saptamanii ABC , dar bugetul sau de 7,3 milioane de dolari a fost prea scump. [2]

Filmul a fost primul lungmetraj al Associated General Films . [2]

Dunaway a fost platit cu 500.000 de dolari plus un procent din profit. [8]

Filmul a fost filmat la bordul navei maritime italiene inchiriate Irpinia , [9] care a fost echipat cu doua palnii false pentru a semana cu St. Louis. [10] [1] A fost, de asemenea, filmat in Barcelona , ​​Spania (in locul Cuba), [1] [2] St. Pancras Chambers din Londra si la EMI Elstree Studios din Borehamwood, Hertfordshire. [11]

Numarul real al mortilor
Articolul principal: MS St. Louis
The true death toll is uncertain. The 1974 book that was the basis of the film estimated a much lower number of deaths.[5] By using statistical analysis of survival rates for Jews in various Nazi-occupied countries, Thomas and Morgan-Witts estimated the fate of the 621 St. Louis passengers who were not given refuge in Cuba or the United Kingdom (one died during the voyage): 44 (20%) of the 224 refugees that settled in France likely were murdered in the Holocaust, 62 (29%) Holocaust murders amongst the 214 that reached Belgium, and 121 (67%) Holocaust murders amongst the 181 that settled in the Netherlands, for a total of 227 (37%) of the refugees that came under occupation were likely murdered by the Nazis.[12][13] In 1998, Scott Miller and Sarah Ogilvie of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum traced the survivors from the voyage, concluding that a total of 254 refugees or 40.9 percent were murdered by the Nazis.[14]

The film opened on 22 December 1976 in four theatres in New York and Los Angeles.[2]

Box office
According to Lew Grade who helped finance the film, the movie "should have done better" at the box office.[15] He wrote in his memoirs "I thought it was one of the most moving and important films I'd seen in a long time. I just couldn't understand why it didn't become a success" adding that "strangely enough, it did outstanding business in Japan."[16]

Versiune alternativa
The complete, uncut version of the film was 182 minutes long. It was released only once, on the Magnetic Video label in 1980.[citation needed]

Premii si nominalizari
Award Category Nominee(s) Result
Academy Awards[17] Best Supporting Actress Lee Grant Nominated
Best Screenplay – Based on Material from Another Medium David Butler and Steve Shagan Nominated
Best Original Score Lalo Schifrin Nominated
Golden Globe Awards[18] Best Motion Picture – Drama Nominated
Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture Oskar Werner Nominated
Best Supporting Actress – Motion Picture Lee Grant Nominated
Katharine Ross Won
Best Screenplay – Motion Picture David Butler and Steve Shagan Nominated
Best Original Score – Motion Picture Lalo Schifrin Nominated
Japan Academy Film Prize Outstanding Foreign Language Film Nominated
Coloana sonora
Voyage of the Damned
Soundtrack album by Lalo Schifrin
12 and 13 April 1977
Wembley, England
Film score
ERS 6508-ST
John Lasher
Lalo Schifrin chronology
Towering Toccata
(1976) Voyage of the Damned
(1977) Rollercoaster
The film score was composed, arranged and conducted by Lalo Schifrin and the soundtrack album was released on the Entr'Acte label in 1977.[19]

Track listing
All tracks are written by Lalo Schifrin.

No. Title Length
1. "Main Title" 2:21
2. "House Painter March" 1:49
3. "Hotel Nacionale" 2:18
4. "What's Past is Past; Affirmation of Love" 2:51
5. "Lament" 2:30
6. "The Arrival; Theme of Hope" 3:21
7. "The Captain; Goodbye Aunt Jenny; We Need Help" 3:11
8. "So Many Things I Wanted to Say" 2:08
9. "To Be A Woman" 2:07
10. "Tragedy; Time Pulse" 3:59
11. "Our Prayers Have Been Answered" 2:16
12. "End Credits (Foxtrot)" 2:30
Lalo Schifrin - arranger, conductor
London Studio Orchestra
Vezi si
Jewish refugees
Ship of Fools
Voyage of the Damned at the American Film Institute Catalog
Verrill, Addison (28 July 1976). "Devalued Pound Brings 'Voyage' In Under Budget; Recalls Nazi, and World, 'Hoaxing' of Jews". Variety. p. 4.
Robert Fryer--Clout Plus Taste: ROBERT FRYER Glover, William. Los Angeles Times 22 Dec 1976: e10.
Donahue, Suzanne Mary (1987). American film distribution : the changing marketplace. UMI Research Press. p. 296. Please note figures are for rentals in US and Canada
Thomas, Gordon; Morgan-Witts, Max (1974). Voyage of the Damned. Konecky & Konecky. ISBN 1-56852-579-6.
THE BOOK REPORT: Prelude to Horror of 'Final Solution' Kirsch, Robert. Los Angeles Times 13 May 1974: d9.
Money-making disaster: PUBLISHING Parker, Selwyn. The Observer 7 Aug 1977: 13.
Dunaway 'Trembling on the Brink of Great Stardom': Faye Dunaway Rosenfield, Paul. Los Angeles Times 20 Feb 1977: s38.
"Grimaldi-SIOSA Ocean Liner and Cruise Ship Postcards".
"Irpinia page 2". Archived from the original on 2 February 2016. Retrieved 27 January 2016.
'Tour' to Star Bette Midler Lee, Grant. Los Angeles Times 13 Nov 1976: b6.
Rosen, pp. 447, 567 citing Morgan-Witts and Thomas (1994) pp. 8, 238
Rosen, Robert (17 July 2006). Saving the Jews (Speech). Carter Center (Atlanta, Georgia). Retrieved 17 July 2007.
Lanchin, Mike (13 May 2014). "The ship of Jewish refugees nobody wanted".
Alexander Walker, National Heroes: British Cinema in the Seventies and Eighties, 1985 p. 197
Grade, Lew (1989). Still dancing. Ulverscroft. p. 508.
"The 49th Academy Awards (1977) Nominees and Winners". Archived from the original on 11 January 2015. Retrieved 3 October 2011.
"Voyage of the Damned". Golden Globe Awards. Hollywood Foreign Press Association. Retrieved 28 December 2017.
"Lalo Schifrin 1976-1985".
linkuri externe

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Voyage of the Damned.
Voyage of the Damned at the American Film Institute Catalog
Voyage of the Damned at IMDb
Voyage of the Damned at Rotten Tomatoes
Voyage of the Damned at the TCM Movie Database
Ultima modificare in urma cu 27 de zile de catre Britfilm
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