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Toti au ras (SUA 1981) Comedie

Adaugat de Cozana 13.12.2022  Adauga la favorite 250 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Nota IMDB: 6.3
They All Laughed (1981)
Regia Petru Bogdanovich
Imdb 6.3

Firma de investigatii private Odyssey Detective Agency, cu sediul in New York, angajeaza trei agenti: John Russo, de varsta mijlocie, afemeiat, Arthur Brodsky, mai tanar si hippie si Charles Rutledge, nervos si anxios. Seful lor ticalos, Leon Leondopolous, incearca sa-si tina agentii prost la coada in timp ce poarta o aventura prost deghizata cu secretara lui Amy. Odyssey investigheaza doua femei casatorite separate: Angela Niotes, sotia in varsta, dar plina de farmec a unui magnat britanic, si Dolores Martin, o frumoasa blonda. In timp ce incerca sa o urmareasca pe Angela din heliportul Manhattan, John intalneste un sofer de taxi pe nume Deborah Wilson. Cei doi sunt instantaneu indragostiti, iar John isi face planuri sa o vada pe Deborah (pe care o numeste „Sam") mai tarziu in acea noapte. In acelasi timp, Charles se indragosteste de Dolores in timp ce o spioneaza in holul unui hotel. Arthur (care jongleaza cu o serie de romane pasionale de-a lungul filmului) este ingrijorat pentru fiecare dintre colegii sai, dar ii ajuta pe fiecare dintre ei sa se apropie de obiectele lor de afectiune: el il ajuta pe John sa se indeparteze de pe-ai sai. partener, cantareata country Christy Miller si elaboreaza un plan ca Charles sa aiba o conversatie cu Dolores la un patinoar. El afla ca Dolores isi insala intr-adevar sotul cu Jose, un playboy cu care planuieste sa fuga.

A doua zi dimineata, John isi povesteste intalnirea cu Deborah lui Leon; isi face griji ca a devenit prea batran pentru femeile mai tinere. Intre timp, Christy, care si-a dat seama ce a facut John, decide sa se intoarca la el incepand o relatie cu Charles. Cei doi se indreapta spre Midtown, unde se intalnesc cu Dolores la un magazin de imbracaminte de lux. Mai tarziu, Christy incearca sa initieze o intalnire sexuala cu Charles, dar el este deja prea indragostit de Dolores pentru a-i face reciproc. Intre timp, John si Arthur o urmaresc pe Angela si pe fiul ei tanar la un magazin de jucarii. John marturiseste cine este, dar Angela nu este surprinsa, deoarece stie ca el insusi sotul ei o insala. O atractie creste intre John si Angela; inca o data Arthur isi ajuta prietenul pretinzand ca este fiul lui John. Deborah se loveste de Angela si John la apartamentul acestuia din urma; nu pare sa fie deranjata de dorinta simultana a lui John pentru cele doua femei. Intre timp, Dolores aproape ca il saruta pe Charles la unul dintre concertele lui Christy, in timp ce Christy insasi isi marturiseste atractia fata de Jose. Cand Charles o urmeaza pe Dolores acasa,

Charles isi petrece noaptea pe o banca in afara apartamentului lui Dolores, urmand-o pana la un tribunal, unde Christy o observa pe ea si pe Jose intra in camera unui judecator. Christy invita majoritatea celorlalte personaje la un alt concert, deoarece Deborah si Angela poarta o conversatie secreta. Mai tarziu, Angela ii spune lui John ca se intoarce in Europa impreuna cu sotul si fiul ei; a aranjat-o pe Deborah sa-i ia locul si sa-i alapteze inima zdrobita. La concert, Charles se reintalneste cu Dolores, care dezvaluie ca a mers la tribunal pentru a obtine divortul. El ii propune in casatorie (pe care ea o accepta). Christy il prezinta pe Jose, logodnicul ei, publicului de la concert. A doua zi, Charles si Dolores, precum si Christy si Jose sunt casatoriti intr-o nunta dubla. John o vede in lacrimi pe Angela, apoi se intoarce in taxiul sau, unde Deborah o asteapta.

Audrey Hepburn ca Angela Niotes
Ben Gazzara ca John Russo
Patti Hansen ca Sam (Deborah Wilson)
John Ritter ca Charles Rutledge
Dorothy Stratten ca Dolores Martin
Blaine Novak ca Arthur Brodsky
Linda MacEwen ca Amy Lester
George Morfogen ca Leon Leondopolous
Colleen Camp ca Christy Miller
Sean Hepburn Ferrer (fiul lui Audrey) ca Jose
„Geneza filmului They All Laughed a fost ca Benny [Gazzara] si cu mine am vorbit mult despre romante si aventuri si batalia dintre sexe", a spus Bogdanovich mai tarziu. [2] „[Am vrut] sa incerc sa fac o poza personala, dar nu o poza personala ca un produs indie. Am vrut sa o ascund, asa cum au facut-o vechii realizatori din sistemul de studio. Ascunde-o in spatele unui gen. Genul a fost detectivi privati". [2]

Filmul a fost finantat de o divizie de productie a Time Inc. [3]

„Nu am facut nicio cercetare despre detectivi", a spus Bogdanovich. "Niciodata nici macar nu am intrat in biroul unui detectiv, dar asta nu a contat pentru mine. Nu despre asta era vorba, asta a fost doar deghizarea pe care mi-am atarnat palaria." [4]

"Audrey Hepburn's story in the movie is Audrey Hepburn's story in life", said the director. "She was living with a man, her second husband, he was cheating on her, and she basically stayed with him because of the child."[2]

The film was shot on location in New York City during the spring and summer of 1980. Bogdanovich would often write scenes and give them to the actors just before they were shot, to give the film a feeling of freshness.[4]

Country music is prominently featured. According to Bogdanovich, in the first version of the script, the character of Christy was going to be a jazz singer, singing jazz standards, but then:

A existat o voga scurta, foarte scurta, foarte scurta a muzicii country in New York. Aproximativ 30 de secunde. Si asa am schimbat-o. Imi place muzica country. M-am indragostit de ea la Last Picture Show . De fapt, am scris cateva cantece country. Expresia „O zi de ieri" a fost ceva ce mi-a spus Dorothy intr-o felicitare. Mi-a placut fraza. [2]

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Aceasta sectiune poate contine cercetari originale . ( octombrie 2020 )
Many hints are given at a relationship between the plot and real life in this picture, which has caused some commentors to question the discipline of the filmmakers, but may, in time, actually contribute to the film's interest. Hepburn's son plays the part of Jose, though the part of her son in the film is played by Glenn Scarpelli. According to Bogdanovich, Hepburn and Gazzara had had an affair prior to the filming, though evidently this had fizzled by the time filming began, and Gazzara's ongoing divorce made further contact inadvisable. (Commentors have not agreed as to whether Gazzara and Hepburn have good onscreen chemistry in They All Laughed). Bogdanovich's real-life daughters portray John Russo's daughters, who along with Arthur (pretending to be Russo's son in a crucial scene), are enlisted to win Angela Niotes's trust. More implicitly, Arthur, who acts primarily as a facilitator to the others' romances, is portrayed by one of the film's screenwriters, Blaine Novak. Charles, who pursues Dorothy Stratten's character, wears director Peter Bogdanovich's trademark oversized plastic-framed eyeglasses, perhaps a reference to Bogdanovich's initial guilt and subsequent acceptance of his love for Stratten.

Indeed, the theme of secret love surfacing is pervasive throughout. Even Russo's relationship with the taxi driver—possibly the least secretive and most above-board of all the couplings, so much so that Russo is brought to confess that he is aging and his sexual prowess is failing—takes place under a pseudonym (Russo calls Deborah "Sam" for obscure reasons). The theme of hidden desires is echoed in the soundtrack, which juxtaposes country music by Roy Acuff, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, and Rodney Crowell—as well as by Camp—with visuals of the Manhattan skyline (the credits sequence follows a trek into Manhattan, notably focusing on the twin towers of the World Trade Center as Dorothy Stratten's credit appears) and songs recorded by Frank Sinatra, including the eponymous George and Ira Gerswhin song "They All Laughed".

No traditional villains are seen in the film, with the only unpleasant character momentarily depicted in extremely brief appearances as an understandably frustrated husband whose wife (Stratten) cuckolds him with their next door neighbor.

Bogdanovich says Frank Sinatra let him have the rights to several of his songs for a cheap price because Sinatra felt sorry for Bogdanovich after Stratten's murder.[2]

Before the film was released, Time shut down its filmmaking division. 20th Century Fox, which retained North American distribution rights, test-marketed the film in Providence, Rhode Island and Minneapolis, but was disappointed with the results and pulled the film's release.[3] Bogdanovich decided to distribute the film himself. His manager later claimed the director spent $5 million, but it made less than $1 million in ticket sales. This contributed to the director declaring bankruptcy in 1985.[5] Bogdanovich:

It was a nightmare. Dorothy was murdered and I went crazy. I decided I would buy the film back from Fox and I lost my shirt distributing it myself which was insanity. Unfortunately, nobody stopped me. So it didn’t get great distribution because you can’t self-distribute. It's impossible. For example, we played 15 weeks at the Music Hall in Beverly Hills. It was a huge success. We got a great theatre in Westwood and it broke all the records, and they pulled it right out because Paramount wanted the theatre for Reds.[2]

Bogdanovich later wrote about the making of the film in the 1984 book The Killing of the Unicorn.

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This section does not cite any sources. (December 2016)
They All Laughed was the last theatrical film in which Hepburn played a lead role (she later starred in the television film Love Among Thieves and had a cameo role in Steven Spielberg's Always). According to an interview conducted by Wes Anderson in the DVD features for the film, director Bogdanovich claims Hepburn and Gazzara fell in love and had an affair while shooting Bloodline (1979). Though the affair was short-lived, it inspired the characters they each played in They All Laughed.

Dorothy Stratten was murdered by her estranged husband and manager Paul Snider before the film's release. Stratten had begun an affair with Peter Bogdanovich during filming, and Snider hired a private detective to follow her. They separated and Stratten moved in with Bogdanovich, planning to file for divorce. When Snider was certain he had lost his wife and protege, he murdered her and killed himself. These events were depicted in Bob Fosse's 1983 film Star 80 (where Bogdanovich's counterpart was named Aram Nicholas, played by Roger Rees) and the television film Death of a Centerfold: The Dorothy Stratten Story (1981).

Along with Heaven's Gate, Cruising, and One from the Heart, They All Laughed generally is regarded as the end of the New Hollywood period, and the director-driven studio films of the 1970s. Since the very public failures of these four films, Hollywood studios rarely allow directors to control the films they finance.

Statutul de cult
In 2002 the likes of Quentin Tarantino and Wes Anderson praised the film.[6] The film was released to VHS on January 31, 1995; HBO Home Video released the film to DVD (as a 25th Anniversary Edition) on October 17, 2006.

"It was a very loving picture", said Bogdanovich in 2011. "It was the happiest time of my life. I look back on it now and it's been like thirty years or so – it was definitely the high point in my life."[4]

Lawson, ork=Terry (Jan 17, 1982). "MOVIES: Bogdanovich: '70s' golden boy regains his screen sheen". Chicago Tribune. p. g18.
Sheila OMalley (23 Sep 2012). "QA with Peter Bogdanovich: They All Laughed". Retrieved 13 April 2014.
"Detail view of Movies Page – THEY ALL LAUGHED (1981)". Retrieved 2016-09-22.
"Peter Bogdanovich & Noah Baumbach Talk 'They All Laughed' At Brooklyn's BAMCinematek" by The Playlist Indiewire July 9, 2011 accessed 13 April 2014
Crook, David (Dec 19, 1985). "BOGDANOVICH'S BANKRUPT MEMORIAL: BANKRUPT MEMORIAL". Los Angeles Times. p. i1.
"The Sight & Sound Top Ten Poll: 2002". British Film Institute. 2002.
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They All Laughed at IMDb
They All Laughed at Rotten Tomatoes
They All Laughed at Box Office Mojo
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Audrey Hepburn as Angela Niotes


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