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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Tears for Fears - Lord of Karma / 1992

Adaugat de tita 11.12.2011  Adauga la favorite 720 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Tears for Fears - Lord of Karma / 1992


There's been some knocking
There's been some heavy knocking
It sounds like someone wants to break down the door
My super ego where I go, he go,
You come a reeping, come a keeping the score and I say
Lord of karma, your mystic-pain-o-rama
One good reason, keep my feet on the ground and I say:
Lord of karma, your mystic-pain-o-rama
Karma Come on down, oh no, no.

Lord of Karma
Down on bended knees forever
Lord of Karma
Down on bended knees forever

Take fear and loathing and put new clothing on it
Infatuation with a snowmountain climb.
In limitation and Devil's advocation,
Come and make it quick, then hit it the ground and I say:
Lord of karma, your mystic-pain-o-rama
Karma, Come on down, oh no, no.

Lord of Karma
Down on bended knees forever
Lord of Karma
Down on bended knees forever
Lord of Karma
Down on bended knees forever

These are the reasons and these are the laws
In one life you're rich, in the next you are poor
Save your excuses, your tensions and fears
Be sure as you go and you go with the flow
And you reap what you sow as above, so below

Mind your lip and swing your hips
And be selective, be objective
No pain, no gain, no pain, no gain, no pain, no gain
No pain, no gain, no pain, no gain, no pain, no gain
No pain...

Lord of Karma
Lord of Karma



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