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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Marianne faithfull - Sister morphine / 1969

Adaugat de monica 25.11.2011  Adauga la favorite 861 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Marianne faithfull - Sister morphine


Here I lie in my hospital bed,
Tell me, sister morphine, when are you coming round again.
Oh, I don't think I can wait that long,
Oh, you see I'm not that strong.

The scream of the ambulance is sounding in my ears.
Tell me, sister morphine, how long have I been lying here?
What am I doing in this place?
Why does the doctor have no face?
Oh, I can't crawl across the floor.
Can't you see, sister morphine, I'm just trying to score.

Well, it just goes to show things are not what they seem.
Please, sister morphine, turn my nightmare into dreams.
Oh, can't you see I'm fading fast
And that this shot will be my last.

Sweet cousin cocaine, lay your cool hands on my head.
Hey, sister morphine, you'd better make up my bed
For you know and I know in the morning I'll be dead,
And you can sit around and you can watch the clean white sheets stain red.


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