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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Abner Jay - I'm So Depressed / 1970

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Adaugat de zorba 07.02.2022  Adauga la favorite 642 vizualizari

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Abner Jay - I'm So Depressed

Versuri/ text:

You know they gonna stop making them King size cigarettes
And start making the Queen size because it's got a bigger butt
D'you know why Elephants don't smoke?
Because they can't get their butts in the ashtray
I know a boy who took his girl out on the county road the other day
Stopped his car and took his key out
Says to his gal: "now you gonna be like a Camel, and walk a mile, like a Chesterfield that satisfies"
She says "depends on whether it's a king size or regular Daddy"
I was born during the hard depression day
Oh, my Lord
In July, in South Georgia
Where the sun was hot in a blaze
My folk was share cropper
At the end of the year, we had nothing
We had nothing, we had nothing but grasshoppers
Looking back over my life
Oh, Lord, I'm so depressed
Help me, somebody, I need some rest
Oh, Lord, I'm so depressed
Every boy needs a girl
Every girl needs a boy
I'm a boy so full of love
I have no one to hold my hand
Tell me how long must I wander
Tell me how long must I cry
Will there be someone, someone to wipe
Dry the tear from my eye
Come on baby, rub my head
Rub my head while I lay down in my bed
Kiss, kiss me, kiss me, baby
'Til I feel alright, 'til I feel alright
Hey, hey
Hey, hey
Oh, looking back over my life
Oh, Lord, I'm so depressed
Help me, somebody, I need some rest
Oh, Lord, I'm so depressed
Oh, Lord, I'm so depressed


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