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AnuntulVideo >> Muzica >> Oldies


Talking Heads - Creatures of Love 1985 original

Adaugat de capra 24.11.2011  Adauga la favorite 783 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Talking Heads - Creatures of Love 1985 original


A woman made a man
A man he made a house
And when they lay together
Little creatures all come out

Well, I've seen sex and I think it's alright
It makes those little creatures come to life
I can laugh or I can turn away
Well, I've seen sex and I think it's okay

We are creatures, creatures of love
We are creatures, creatures of love
From the sleep of reason, a life is born
We are creatures, creatures of love

It's okay to be afraid
When the blue sparks hit your brain
We can love one another
I've been told that it's okay

Doctor, doctor, tell me what I am
Am I one of those human beings
Well I can laugh or I can learn to think
So help me now to find out what I feel

We are creatures, creatures of love
We are creatures, creatures of love
We've been here forever, before you were born
We are creatures of love, We are creatures of love

A man can drive his car
And a woman can be a boss
I'm a monkey and a flower
I'm everything at once

Well, a woman and a man can be together
If they decide to they'll make little creatures
Watch 'em now!
Little creature of love
With two arms and two legs
From a moment of passion
Now they cover the bed

We are creatures of love, we are creatures of love
We are creatures, creatures of love
We are creatures, creatures of love
From the sleep of reason, a life is born
We are creatures of love, we are creatures of love


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