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Dire Straits - When It Comes To You / original 1991

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Adaugat de bunele 20.11.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.361 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Dire Straits - When It Comes To You


if we can't get along we oughta be apart
and I'm wondering where'd you get that cold, cold heart
set me free - sign my release
I'm tired of being the villain of the peace

you been giving me a bad time
tell me what I'd do
how come I always get a hard time
honey when it comes to you
sayin' things that you didn't have to
how come I always get a hard time
honey when it comes to you

you only get one life - this I know
I wanna get my licks in now before I go
the fire of love is dead and cold
I gotta satisfy the hunger in my soul

and you been giving me a bad time
tell me what I'd do
how come I always get a hard time
honey when it comes to you
sayin' things that you didn't have to
how come I always get a hard time
honey when it comes to you


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