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Dire Straits - One World / 1985

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Adaugat de bunele 20.11.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.713 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Dire Straits - One World album version


Can't find no sleeves for my records
Can't get no laces for my shoes
Can't get no fancy notes
On my blue guitar
Can't get no antidote for blues

Can't find the reasons for your actions
Or I don't much like the reasoning you use
Somehow your motives are impure
Or somehow I can't find the cure
Can't find no antidote for blues

They say it's mostly vanity
That writes the plays we act
They tell me that's what everybody knows
There's no such thing as sanity
And that's the sanest fact
That's the way the story goes

Can't get no remedy on my TV
There's nothing but the same old news
They can't find a way to be
One world in harmony
Can't get no antidote for blues



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